After his conversation with his mother, Erevos found a way to speed up the process of becoming Adventurer. He arrived outside the bank, the place his father works.
He entered the main hall. The building was crowded. Some people were running, others waiting, some were screaming of joy and others of sadness.
To the Bank
The bank is just a mysterious place for him. He never got the interest to understand his father’s work. His mind was always towards the unknown, what’s outside in the wild nature. After a long wait in the line, he reached the reception. The receptionist there, named Alexa, as shown in the nametag on her right shirt in the right side of her chest, recognized him immediately!
“Erevos! What brings you here? Let me guess, a visit to your father”
“Yes…” replied Erevos with a smile on his face and a tone of shyness. He was kind fond of Alexa since he was little. His Father used to bring him to his work office and he constantly tried to escape and run around the building. That was when Alexa took care of him, she has a bubbly personality and got along with Erevos; she was showing him spots to hide, where to make pranks to some guests and many more fun things.
Alexa was young, unlike the other employees. She had short red hair and with a joyful smile always on her face. She is pretty good on her job too, as she is the only one who reports to the boss, that being Boros, Erevos’s dad. Even though many coworkers don’t think that way of her working skills, as they speculate that she got favor from Boros because his son likes her the most.
Erevos was thinking he was very lucky he ended in the reception desk of Alexa; because otherwise he should have had to explain who he was, why, what and other tedious talks to someone who potentially didn’t knew him. He saved a lot of precious time.
A business meeting with Father
Alexa immediately escorted Erevos to his father’s office, knocked the door, made sure she wasn’t interrupting something and let Erevos enter the room. Whispering to his ear, good luck.
Boros, was sitting in his office. The highest floor in the building. BloodyLeaf being a city inside the forest, means that houses and buildings can’t have much view. But the Banks Building was relatively new in comparison to the others, so it was built as the second highest one. That means that at this floor that view of Boros office was spectacular, having access to both the green city but also the Mountain on the North and a glimpse on the far away Sea on the East.
“Erevos! What brings you here, son?”
He explained the reason he came and his talk with mother. Could he help speeding the process?
Boros after listening to Erevos took a look at his window, gazing outside like he was thinking something important and then turned his look back to Erevos.
“Look, you heard the rumors about Petraborne… I will first talk to you as a businessman, because that is the reason you came, business. And then, I want you to listen me as I will talk to you as a father, ok?”
Erevos nodded and sat in front of his desk.
“Potential war means loss… to everyone! But your job even though it seems like an extinct profession, the war might bring you profit. Many requests would most definitely occur for Adventurers, to do the ‘dirty’ and ’risky’ job, that the army would not have time nor the interest to do. And since the national Guild would take part in the war as it would seem. A private Guild is a bright idea! So, yes, we will support you to create your guild!”
The paternal side
As Boros was talking. Erevos noticed for the first time this side of his father. The businessman. He was a little bit confused, little bit shocked and kind of surprised. But he kept his silence as he continued talking.
“Now I will talk to you as your father. Because I know I cannot convince you not to become one. You’ve grown and made up your mind. I want to ask you to start with Rekdon! Or better here where it is safe inside our country. No one knows what you will meet in the neighbor countries. Especially Petraborne, where they will not care about your profession, only that you are Erastian and that would be dangerous for you. Give yourselves time to adjust as a group and when things calm down and it is safe, then go and explore.”
Erevos in his mind tried to think logically… His fathers’ sayings made sense. His pride was telling him not to listen his father and explore anyways, but since he put his friends to this adventurous path, he had to firstly assure their safety.
He eventually agreed with his fathers’ terms. As Boros explained to him the terms of the contract, they gave hands not as family members this time, but as of partners, striking a deal.
Erevos exited the room and the building. He was on his way home after a long day…
Father, Boros or rather Epsilon
As Boros was sitting alone in his office a female voice whispered in the room
“You sure are a great actor as a father, to that I shall admit…” Zeta appeared out of the shadows. Boros tried to ignore her
“The kid will die Epsilon and you know it” she continued with a smirk on her face.
“He is important for the Demons’ extermination once and for all… That is the mission, the final mission. He is the bait. But he will not die.”
“He will suffer and you know it” Zeta continued
Boros gave her an irritating look
“Get out! I do my part of the mission, you do yours!”
“yeah… But this is more fun…”
Boros stopped talking to her as she was not in the room. For a while Zeta was staring at him with him to utterly ignore her.
“Ohhh, I see you give me the ‘silent treatment’. I heard about it… You no fun…”
Zeta stood up ready to leave. As she turned her back to Boros she said one final thing
“Innocent or not I will kill him Epsilon, not because I have to. But because I want to! I would say ‘nothing personal’. But you clearly know that this is not true…”
She then disappeared in the shadows.