Hello Guys, Chris here and I want to talk about the “Spiderman: Across the Spider-verse” a bit more. In this post there will be SPOILERS. So if you haven’t seen the movie yet, I would strongly advise you to not continue.
You could read our spoiler free first look about the movie though!
So Let us Begin
I will divide this Analysis in some parts:
- Miguel’s actions, Spiderman 2099
- A potential plot-hole question
- The Spot was the real reason of the Spider-Verse
- The 3 acts of the Movie
- Does the Cliffhanger affect the rating?
- Zach’s Opinion
- Spyros’s Opinion
- Easter Eggs

Movie overview
The movie is indeed awesome! It belongs to 3 genres so we have to criticize it according to them. First being Action: Something that every Spider-man movie has. Much swinging, hyped choreography on the fight scenes with not one favorite superhero, but many! In addition to the next genre being Animation! The animation is jaw dropping and you won’t want to take your eyes away from it. They really did an amazing job designing many universes and characters with their own significant details. Gwens world is focused on the color visualizing the emotions that anyone could feel. Miles word, the animation we had experienced in the first movie, returning to the scenery with its comic book storytelling. But a lot of others made an appearance. Hobie’s look, Miguel’s design being a Vampire-Ninja-Futuristic Spiderman…
Important note!
The movie has done something I personally admire. It has Re-watch value. In the beginning of the movie, following Gwen’s introduction you can see with the animation the whole plot and story of the movie! Which is incredible, there is a line those movies follow, both Into the Spider-Verse and the Across, and with the Beyond the Spider-Verse coming in 2024 we are witnessing a masterpiece of a trilogy. I will definitely re-watch the first two before going to see the third movie!
First scene, Miguel’s Action
In the opening scene we get introduced to Gwen’s world and a villain who appeared in her dimension. In her attempt to stop him, Spiderman 2099, aka Miguel O’Hara makes a cinematic entrance assisting Gwen to send the villain back from where he came from. There is a very important thing that most of us have ignored in this scene!
I realized it when I watched the movie for the second time!
When the roof of the Museum’s building is falling down. Miguel gets a notice that a Canon event is about to happen! Meaning this was the scene when Gwen’s father would have died. But contradicting the action he took later in the movie as we know, with Miles. He helps Gwen stabilize the roof and save everyone! Including Gwen’s dad. LYLA, the futuristic hologram that is assisting Miguel, informs him that the canon is prevented but there were no anomalies nor errors! Why did Miguel act? And is it possible to prevent a canon without causing anomalies and the dimension’s destruction? Questions that would probably get answered in the next movie. But, seeing Miguel preventing a Canon was weird. And considering that, there may be a way for Miles to save his dad and prevent his Canon without disruptions. That is yet to be revealed how…
That leads us to another good topic.
Is Miguel Right?
In the grand scheme of things, I believe Miguel has a value point. Addressing Miles he says to him that those Canon events are the events that define who Spider-Man is! If Uncle Ben hadn’t died, most of the Spiderman wouldn’t become spiderman in the first place! Not only this, but it is dangerous to even try to change the canon event! As shown from Miguel’s analytics, if a lot of Canon events get interrupted, that could possibly cause the breaking of the entire system. The entire Spider-Verse could collapse! Miles saving his dad wouldn’t just endanger his own dimension, but every other dimension as well! Something the other Spider-people would not allow, with every right!
Even if we try to support Miles’s decision as Gwen did when she tried to speak with Miguel. he turns to her saying “Do you wanna find out?”. Meaning it is too great of a risk to even try preventing a canon.

When Miguel was explaining to Miles what a Canon is he said that those are events that happen in every Spiderman story and would drastically change the course of the story. Change something in their character. A Canon can be interrupted only if an outside dimension factor intervenes! Like Miles did when he saved the police captain in Spiderman India dimension.
Having that in mind, wouldn’t it mean that even if Miles knew his father’s fate, in the end he wouldn’t be able to save him! This is the canon. So all Miguel had to do was to make sure that no one would intervene in Miles’s dimension. Imprisoning Miles was not a good decision by Miguel. This made no sense.
The Spot was the one causing the Anomalies
Miguel’s actions were kinda answered later when we found out that he was furious at Miles. He really disliked him, because he was the original anomaly. Meaning he was the reason this whole operation started at all. The reason Miguel was so tired and stressed, because he had to run the entire operation both in the background and in the front lines. The fatigue was clearly shown on his face…
He blamed Miles’s existence for it.
Something that wasn’t right for Miles, since it wasn’t his fault that the spider from the other dimension bit him. It wasn’t like he asked for it…
Definitely Miguel has a valid point protecting the balance of every Spider-Verse but blaming Miles for it and being harsh on him was one of the worst decisions and had no right to do so.
The reason he became a Spiderman in the first place was the SPOT! Something that we got told in the beginning of the movie when we had the introduction of the Spot and his origin. He was the one who took the radioactive spider from the other dimension. The spider that ended up not biting someone in Earth 42, causing that dimension to never have Spiderman. The consequences were the creation of the Spider-Society from Miguel, who tried to fix it and keep everything together. And the Earth-42 being a dimension full of villains and darkness. Something that we witnessed at the end of the movie.

The 3 Acts
This movie was not just about Miles, but something much greater and bigger. I noticed that there were 3 Main Acts in this movie providing it with cohesion.
Act1 Intro: Gwen.
We Follow Gwen and her struggles being Spider-woman and Gwen Stacy at the same time. Having to deal with her father and the events that haunt her from the past. Later we were introduced to Miguel and the Spider-Verse making an appearance in the plot
Act2 Main Story: The Spot and Miles.
Following an introduction to Spot and Miles as Spiderman in an action chase/fight scene with each other. At the same time there is a great combination to the storytelling with Miles and his dad and mother. They are worried about him and his future, while they are being harsh on him because he ignores them on a daily basis. A struggle every spiderman has, mixing up Spider-duties and Personal life. This makes a great transition from the fight with the Spot to the Celebration party for Miles’s dad. Gwen visits Miles and after trying to find more about the Spot. Miles gets introduced after a action scene to the Spider-Verse
Act3 Endinf: The Spider-Verse and the Chase
After learning about the Spider-Verse. We have the 3rd part, where Miguel presents Miles “The laws of the Spider-Verse” Miles does not agree with it. Starting a chase scene that lasts until the very end of the movie. Miguel and every other spider-man are after Miles who tries to get back to his universe to save his dad and prevent the canon. But the fact that in his blood there is the DNA of the spider (from the other dimension) that bit him he was sent to the wrong universe! Where the movie ends in a cliffhanger for the next movie.
Is the Cliffhanger a reason for the movie not to be rated positively?
This is a tricky question. And the answer is Subjective to anyone watching. There are people who like the cliffhanger and the vision for the next movie. And others who don’t like it because it does not give us a proper ending characterizing the movie half-written.
Personally I did not mind it. The movie was everything I hoped for. Great Animation, on-point jokes, Serious notes at time and much Action! I see this as a great trilogy in the making. And looking forward to “ Beyond the Spider-Verse” in March 2024.

Zach’s Opinion
Spider-Man Across the Spider-Verse’s story has a lot of things that are worth discussing, with each character’s actions having an impact on how the plot progresses and if their actions were the right ones to make or not.
Miguel’s decision not to invite Miles to the spider society and not explain to him the problems that were caused by the collider and created the main villain The Spot who plays an important role, doesn’t seem the best approach as when eventually Miles learns about everything and the fact that his father will die.
The reason Miles can’t change anything is because saving his dad will also disrupt the canon and create a chain reaction where if too many canon disruptions were to happen, all universes would be destroyed. At the same time Miles’ friends also couldn’t tell him anything, or even visit him. Gwen’s decision not to listen to Miguel was probably the right, because Miles would have learned about his father’s death the hard way, probably when it would happen. In the end Miles refuses to follow Miguel and goes to save his father even though his action could have severe consequences, a decision that was taken after he realized he couldn’t trust Miguel or his friends after he learned they were hiding the truth from him.

Spyros’s Opinion
Incredibilis! A Movie must watch and a masterpiece!
I agree with O’Hara. He had every right to stop Miles. O’hara was trying to save the multiverse while Miles was just trying to save his dad. One was fighting for the greater good, and one for personal reasons. It is a very interesting and exciting plot!
Not only that but in this movie the multiverse actually makes sense! Something the other Marvel Movies lacked at.
What else?
The action Scenes were actually legit! The mind blown with the messing of the universes. The fact that Miles realized he is in the wrong universe got me off my seat! The Cliffhanger in my opinion was magnificent. It sets the bar for the third and final movie, which I am excited and hyped for!
The best ending
Oh, and They should pursue the relationship with Gwen and Miles!!! I am all for it!
Easter Eggs
We noticed 2 fun Easter eggs for the future
SpiderMan 2 Video Game
There was a short cameo with the video game character appearing in the Spider-Verse! Promoting and teasing us with the video Game that will come out later this year in Fall 2023!
Not only that but Miles’s roommate is most likely playing the video game Spiderman 2 in the scene he appears.
Miles Morales Live Action Movie
I think we all got excited when we saw real actors in the animated movie! The Cameo of Prowler is not just a regular scene. Aaron Davis had appeared before in the Spiderman Homecoming back in 2017 Witrh the same actor, Donald Glover! When Spiderman tried to “interrogate” him. In the scene he clearly says “I don’t want those weapons in this neighborhood. I have a nephew who lives here”. Clearly was talking about Miles only; it wasn’t revealed until the Deleted scene was published. Where he talks on the phone with Miles and tells his name. Youtube Deleted Scene
Can’t wait for the Miles Morales adaptation movie! And how he will cooperate with Tom Holland’s Spiderman and in the MCU.