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Norse Mythology

End of Ragnarok, Family, Aesir and Giants and the World

End of Ragnarok, Family, Aesir and Giants and the World

The Previous Chapter In the previous chapter, the Battle of…
Ragnarok: The Ultimate Battle Between Gods and Giants

Ragnarok: The Ultimate Battle Between Gods and Giants

Centuries have past and the first sights, showing that Ragnarok,…
Squirrel, Snake and Dragon. CoR: Chapter 9

Squirrel, Snake and Dragon. CoR: Chapter 9

Meanwhile Jormungandr remained, once again, alone. He waited for Mimir…
Odin takes actions to prevent the prophecy

Odin takes actions to prevent the prophecy

After hearing Jormungandr about the future events, Mimir, with no…
Death to the Aesir, Chapter VII, The Child of Ragnarok

Death to the Aesir, Chapter VII, The Child of Ragnarok

In order to contact the dead, I had to find…
The Child of Ragnarok: CVI Understand the pain

The Child of Ragnarok: CVI Understand the pain

Decades, I was trying to figure out how to contact…
Child of Ragnarok: Chapter V, Key Events lead to Twilight

Child of Ragnarok: Chapter V, Key Events lead to Twilight

As Jormungandr was narrating his story, Mimir was, not only…
Child of Ragnarok: Chapter IV, Cruel Childhood

Child of Ragnarok: Chapter IV, Cruel Childhood

Somewhere in Midgard Mimir and Jormungandr, the Worldd-Serpent had a…
God of War, 3 Mythological Facts it Did Different

God of War, 3 Mythological Facts it Did Different

God of War was a huge success in the gaming…
The Child of Ragnarok

The Child of Ragnarok

This Story takes place in the world of Norse Mythology.…

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