The Gentlemen is a Drama/Comedy Movie, written and produced by Guy Ritchie. With an overall intriguing plot and great lovable actors, I recommend it, as an entertaining/fun movie to watch!
The Gentlemen Plot
“Mickey Pearson is an American expatriate who became rich by building a highly profitable marijuana empire in London. When word gets out that he’s looking to cash out of the business, it soon triggers an array of plots and schemes — including bribery and blackmail — from shady characters who want to steal his domain”
As mentioned before, it is a Guy Ritchie Movie. A mess, but an entertaining mess!
It definitely is not a movie you will remember for long and crave to discuss it with friends after you watch it. But it can be acknowledged with great action, smart dialogue and story development while giving a way to a suspenseful, often humorous, old-fashioned thriller that will keep you engaged and entertained. Many of the characters have some extremely well and enjoyable interactions, highlighting the actors Charlie Hunnan and Hugh Grant. The lines bounce off to each other so well, that you cannot resist but to laugh quite frequently during their interractions! They defintetly, had a lot of fun creating this movie and it shows!
Overall, during all its length (1h 53min), you experience a quite fun story with an intriguing plot and great actors.
I would rate this movie a 7/10, maybe even a 7,5/10
While rated with a 84% on the Audience Score on RottenTomatoes
If you are looking for a new movie to watch in the Genre of Crime,Comedy and Drama I could not recommend it enough.
Grab a seat on your couch, make something to eat, order a pizza and you will have a lot of fun watching this one!
Just give it a try.