Here are two Romance Anime! I was trying to find some from the big variety of Romance Anime. In the end I came up with those two, the first on being an anime I watched a lot of time ago, I believe since nowadays that Anime has become much more renown in the community, visiting some old masterpieces is always a great idea!
That being said, there are some recent Anime that do a pretty good job as well! So, I decided to recommend also, one of my most recent watches.


This anime follows the story of Tomoya Okazaki a third-year student that does not take his studies seriously. He hates his city and his dull colourless life. He is waiting for that moment that the colour will enter his life, and everything will change. One day while walking back to school he meets a frail young girl.
This is one of the anime that a lot of people skip when they first see the picture and the description of it. There is not much when you first look at it. You could not be more wrong though. It is a hard-hitting anime that can be comedic at times, and it is one of the tearjerker ones. There are a lot of characters that are being introduced and trust me this anime has a good plot and a uniqueness that surrounds it. This anime can feel slow but it is one of the best that you can watch in this genre. I cannot recommend this one enough. It is a comedy, drama, Romance, School, Slice of Life, Supernatural anime. Clannad and Clannad after story both have 24 episodes each so there is plenty of content to enjoy. Be patient and give it a watch it is an experience that you will not find in another anime. This one is a must watch.
The Quintessential Quintuplets

Our story follows Fuutarou Uesugi an extremely good high school student. His reclusive and standoffish personality has led him to be withought friends and he comes from a family that is in debt. One day he argues with a female transfer student that claimed, “his seat” and they end up disliking each other. One day though he gets a good opportunity to teach the quintuplets and make money.
If you have watched something heavy or if you are coming from Clannad and need something happy and easy going this is the anime for you. I really enjoyed watching this.
The great animation and relaxing flow this anime has make it a great watch. It has 2 seasons and a movie. Both seasons have 12 episodes. This anime is a Comedy, Romance, School, Shounen, Harem anime. Don’t expect a crazy plot or something like that. There is a descent plot, but it is designed to be easy going and relaxing. If you want something chill and funny with good animation and colours I cannot recommend this enough.
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For the time being stay sexy, stay classy and remember read the Manga.